Summary of CIPD Qualifications Available

Foundation Qualifications (Level 3 UK, Level 5 Ireland)

Foundation Level qualifications are ideal for those wanting to get into an HR/L&D role or already in a supporting/administrative HR/L&D function and wish to develop their skills and knowledge across a range of HR/L&D areas. The Certificate/Diploma leads to Associate Membership of the CIPD. At Foundation Level, individuals can complete the following qualification options:

  • Foundation Award in HR Essentials / L&D Essentials
  • Foundation Certificate/Diploma in Human Resource Practice
  • Foundation Certificate/Diploma in Learning and Development

Intermediate Qualifications (Level 5 UK, Level 7 Ireland)

Intermediate Level Qualifications are ideal for those working in Human Resources/Learning and Development who have responsibility for implementing HR policies and strategies. Typically, a person will be working at HR officer/operational level. The Intermediate Certificate or Diploma also leads to Associate Membership of CIPD and individuals can complete the following qualification choices:

  • Intermediate Award in Human Resources
  • Intermediate Certificate/Diploma in Human Resource Management
  • Intermediate Certificate/Diploma in Learning and Development

Advanced Qualifications (Level 7 UK, Level 9 Ireland, Postgrad)

Qualifications at Advanced Level (Certificate and Diploma) will automatically provide Associate Membership of CIPD on successful completion and also provide the knowledge criteria to allow individuals to apply to CIPD to upgrade to Chartered Member or Chartered Fellow and qualification choices are as follows:

  • Advanced Award in HR
  • Advanced Certificate in Human Resources
  • Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management / Development
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