NI Fire & Rescue Service


Grainne McCartan

Organisational Development Manager
Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service


Brief Description of what the organisation does:
To deliver a fire & rescue service and work in partnership with others to ensure the safety and well-being of our community
Brief Description of your role within the organisation:
As Organisational Development Manager I have responsibility for the continuing development, implementation and evaluation of a strategic framework for Personal Development for all staff across Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS).
Why did you choose to embark on the Advanced Coaching and Mentoring Programme?
This is a unique period in NIFRS and a time of significant change for Fire & Rescue Services across the UK. NIFRS, like other Fire & Rescue Services, finds itself having to deliver efficient and effective services in a constantly changing and challenging environment. In addition a significant number of highly experienced staff leave the service every year and we need to ensure this wealth of experience is not lost to the organisation.

In my role as Organisational Development Manager I am required to evaluate various learning and development interventions for workforce development. The introduction of a formal coaching and mentoring scheme will be a key development initiative and aims to encourage individuals to explore new ways of thinking and approaching situations in order to perform better.

How did the Coaching and Mentoring Programme help you in your role the workplace?
By undertaking the Advanced Coaching and Mentoring programme I have increased my theoretical, practical and professional knowledge of the subject area.

By carrying out the role of a coach I had the opportunity to develop the skills, personal qualities and attributes to become an effective coach which I hope will enable me to have a greater understanding of the process.

How has your organisation benefited from you completing the Coaching and Mentoring Programme?
Equipped with both practical and theoretical knowledge of coaching & mentoring as a development tool, I felt I was better informed to complete a business proposal for the implementation of a formal coaching and mentoring scheme into NIFRS. The proposal outlined the benefits of implementing a formal scheme to both the individual and the organisation.


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